
In the spirit of the European Year of Skills, the European Learning Model supports the process of matching people’s aspirations and skillsets with labour market needs and opportunities. By providing tools to support the recognition of qualifications...
The European Commission is launching the European Learning Model v.3 (ELM v.3). This first multilingual data model for learning is an exciting new development in the field of knowledge and skills data exchange, opening new possibilities for...
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Na prelomenie až 90 % hesiel stačí hackerom len šesť alebo menej pokusov. Aké silné je vaše heslo? Pridajte druhý krok, vďaka ktorému budú vaše údaje na portáli Europass bezpečnejšie. Dvojstupňovú autentifikáciu využívajte aj na…
Pamätáte si, keď sa Europass tlačil a posielal sa poštou? To je už dávno minulosťou. Ekologizujeme a digitalizujeme sa – rovnako ako väčšina ostatných služieb najímania zamestnancov. Europass je pripravený pomôcť vám pri adaptácii na…
Europass môžete využiť na to, aby ste si rýchlo a jednoducho vytvorili Europass-CV. Ale viete, že popri ňom sú k dispozícii aj ďalšie digitálne nástroje, ktoré môžete takisto využiť pri hľadaní pracovného miesta alebo kurzov? Na vytvorenie účtu...
The European Learning Model v.3 (ELM v.3) is expected to be launched in March 2023. ELM v.3 is an exciting new development in the field of educational data exchange, opening new possibilities for interoperability and credential exchange…
The new Europass was launched in July 2020. With more than 45 million visits to the website and close to 4 million Europass profiles created so far, Europass will keep improving to suit the needs of its users and the trends of the…
You will notice some improvements and changes that will make your experience with the different Europass tools even better.
Europass and the multilingual classification of European Skills, Competences, and Occupations (ESCO) are gearing their services to be of support to those fleeing from Ukraine.