Vzdelávajte sa v Severnom Macedónsku

Informácie o národných službách a službách EÚ, ktoré vám pomôžu, ak sa chcete vzdelávať v Severnom Macedónsku.

Picture of a building from North Macedonia

National agency for European educational programmes and mobility

Kontakt prostredníctvom e-mailu

Adresa: Blvd. Kuzman Josifovski Pitu, No.17, 1000 Скопје/Skopje, P.O. Box 796, Северна Македонија/North Macedonia

Telefónne číslo: +389 23 109 045

Služby EÚ, ktoré vám pomôžu

ENIC-NARIC North Macedonia

The ENIC-NARIC network (with the Council of Europe and UNESCO) supports the recognition of diplomas and periods of study undertaken in other countries.

Your Europe

Information, help and advice on EU rights for EU nationals and businesses (i.e. travel, work, shopping, funding opportunities, doing business and procedures)

Eurodesk North Macedonia

Eurodesk is a European youth information network that promotes European awareness and opportunities to go abroad.

EQF-NCP North Macedonia

The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) is a common European reference framework whose purpose is to make qualifications more readable and understandable across different countries and systems.