
In response to the growing rate and scale of European Digital Credentials for Learning, the European Commission launched the Futurium Group for the European Learning Model , a platform designed to foster collaboration and share experiences and good...
Posodobljena platforma Europass, ki deluje od julija 2020, danes praznuje četrto obletnico. Europass je brezplačna in varna storitev EU za vseživljenjsko učenje in upravljanje poklicnih poti, ki omogoča iskanje zaposlitev in možnosti izobraževanja po...
Orodje Europassa za prikaz trendov glede delovnih mest in spretnosti omogoča vpogled v spretnosti, potrebne za specifične poklice, in v poklice, po katerih vlada povpraševanje v Evropi. Posodobljena različica orodja vključuje podatke za…
Event report of webinar focusing on the synergies between micro-credentials and European Digital Credentials for Learning (EDCs).
Evropska komisija je zaključila oceno Europassa , s katero je ocenila uspešnost te pobude EU in prejela odgovore med drugim na naslednja vprašanja: Ali Europass dosega svoje cilje? Kako se orodja in storitve Europass dopolnjujejo? Kako dobro Europass...
European Digital Credential for Learning for vocational education and training (VET)
Last week the European Commission launched the European Learning Model (ELM) Data Model Browser. This tool allows you to easily navigate and explore the different elements of the ELM and the connections between its over 480 properties. The data model...
June 2023 marked the time for the new release of the European Digital Credential for Learning (EDC) infrastructure (version 2.0 – formerly 1.8). This release includes major changes that will improve the interoperability of EDC with other existing...
Europass, a leading EU platform that supports learning and career management of users through its digital tools has reached an impressive milestone surpassing 5 million registered users. Apart from this achievement, Europass has also launched a new...
Andrii, a Ukrainian student living in Catalonia has used Europass and tells us about some of its advantages. Europass helps you to showcase your skills and qualifications in a way that is understood across Europe. Whether you move from Ukraine to...
In her video, Irene Charral Valencia from Pablo Sarasate High School in Lodosa, explains all the competencies she acquired in an Erasmus+ project in Slovenia and how she highlighted them in her Europass profile. She really does understand her skills...