Europass Mobility, first introduced in 2004, is a well-established template which describes the skills acquired abroad on mobility experiences for learning or work. Europass Mobility can help communicate the new skills and experiences acquired during...
In response to the growing rate and scale of European Digital Credentials for Learning, the European Commission launched the Futurium Group for the European Learning Model , a platform designed to foster collaboration and share experiences and good...
Otvorena u srpnju 2020. i nedavno ažurirana platforma Europass danas slavi četiri godine postojanja. Europass je besplatna i sigurna usluga EU-a za cjeloživotno učenje i upravljanje karijerom koja milijunima ljudi pomaže u traženju posla i mogućnosti...
Europassov alat za prikaz trendova u području radnih mjesta i vještina, koji daje uvid u vještine potrebne za određena radna mjesta i zanimanja koja su tražena u cijeloj Europi, sada sadrži ažurirane podatke iz 2023., a dodane su i dvije…
Europska komisija dovršila je evaluaciju Europassa , u kojoj je ocijenila uspješnost te inicijative EU-a i među ostalim odgovorila na sljedeća pitanja: Jesu li postignuti ciljevi Europassa? Kako se alati i usluge Europassa međusobno nadopunjuju? Kako...
Last week the European Commission launched the European Learning Model (ELM) Data Model Browser. This tool allows you to easily navigate and explore the different elements of the ELM and the connections between its over 480 properties. The data model...
June 2023 marked the time for the new release of the European Digital Credential for Learning (EDC) infrastructure (version 2.0 – formerly 1.8). This release includes major changes that will improve the interoperability of EDC with other existing...