
Engaging in any new activity entails considerations around the processing and storage of personal data. Adherence to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – or in the case of European Digital Credentials for Learning (EDC) the EUDPR (i.e...
Europass Mobility, first introduced in 2004, is a well-established template which describes the skills acquired abroad on mobility experiences for learning or work. Europass Mobility can help communicate the new skills and experiences acquired during...
Watch our webinar recording to reflect on the evolution of EDC and learn from the testimonials of our implementers.
In response to the growing rate and scale of European Digital Credentials for Learning, the European Commission launched the Futurium Group for the European Learning Model , a platform designed to foster collaboration and share experiences and good...
Atjauninātā Europass platforma , kas sāka darboties 2020. gada jūlijā, šodien atzīmē ceturto gadadienu. Europass ir ES rīks mūžizglītības un karjeras pārvaldībai . Tas ir drošs un pieejams bez maksas, un to izmanto miljoniem cilvēku, kuri meklē darbu...
Europass darba un prasmju tendenču rīks, kas sniedz ieskatu par visā Eiropā pieprasītajām profesijām un attiecīgajām prasmēm, tagad piedāvā informāciju par divām jaunām valstīm — Islandi un Norvēģiju — un ir atjaunināts ar datiem par…
Event report of webinar focusing on the synergies between micro-credentials and European Digital Credentials for Learning (EDCs).
Eiropas Komisija pabeidza Europass izvērtēšanu, kuras ietvaros tika novērtēta šīs ES iniciatīvas darbība un cita starpā atbildēti šādi jautājumi: Vai Europass sasniedz savus mērķus? Kā Europass rīki un pakalpojumi cits citu papildina? Vai Europass ir...
European Digital Credential for Learning for vocational education and training (VET)
Last week the European Commission launched the European Learning Model (ELM) Data Model Browser. This tool allows you to easily navigate and explore the different elements of the ELM and the connections between its over 480 properties. The data model...