Working in Sweden
Working in Sweden
Πληροφορίες σχετικά με χρήσιμες εθνικές και ενωσιακές υπηρεσίες για την εργασία στη Σουηδία.
Επικοινωνία μέσω ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου
Διεύθυνση: Swedish Council for Higher Education PO Box 4030, SE-171 04 Solna
Visiting address: Solna strandväg, 132B, Solna
Αριθμός τηλεφώνου +46 (0)10-470 03 00 (closed for lunch 12:00–13:00)
Μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης:
Working in Sweden
Karriärvägledning på egen hand
Arbeta i Sverige
Sweden GUIDANCE SERVICE Yrkeskompassen (Description of 200 occupations.)
EURES is a network of employment services covering all EU countries as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland.
Eurodesk is a European youth information network that promotes European awareness and opportunities to go abroad.
EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion is a unique pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers.
The EU works with National Agencies to bring Erasmus+ as close as possible to the participants and make sure it works well across different countries.
SOLVIT is a service provided by the national administration in each EU country and in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. SOLVIT is free of charge.