Sending your Europass CV to EURES

Information for Jobseekers about EURES and EURES Data Protection Statement 

Would you like to transmit your Europass CV to the EURES job-portal? 

EURES is a network of employment services covering all EU countries as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland. On an average basis there are over 4 million available jobs listed on the EURES portal. Since 1994 over 1000 EURES advisers assisted jobseekers to find jobs and employers to find suitable candidates across Europe. You can send your Europass CV to the EURES portal where it can be viewed by EURES advisers and thousands of employers. Visit the EURES portal to learn more about EURES. After you share your Europass CV with EURES you can delete or update the CV at any time.  

In addition to job-matching, EURES offers other services available to Europass users: 

  • EURES has a section of extensive information on Living and Working Conditions in 31 European countries 
  • You can contact EURES advisers listed on the EURES portal for individual support in your job seeking process 
  • The EURES portal has a lot of interesting articles and tips for jobseekers that will be useful for you

Protection of your personal data 

The information in your Europass CV contains personal data protected by EU legislation. This means by sending your Europass CV to the EURES portal you are transferring your personal data. This processing needs to comply with: 

  • Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, which is applicable to processing of personal data by European institutions and bodies 
  • Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation), which is applicable for any processing of data by organisations external to the EU institutions and bodies 

A fundamental requirement from these legal acts is that you must give your explicit consent to transfer your Europass CV to the EURES portal. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. If you are a minor, you must have the consent of your parents or legal guardians.  

It is of importance that you understand the purpose of the data processing (use) on the EURES portal. 

The EURES portal provides information and services for the benefit of jobseekers interested in finding a job or other opportunities in Europe, employers and organisations interested in finding candidates from other countries as well as any citizen wishing to benefit from the principle of the free movement of persons. The principle of free movement means you as an EU/EEA citizen enjoy the freedom to work anywhere in these countries.  

The EURES portal CV database offers jobseekers the opportunity to publish their CVs/Job seeker profiles online and employers the opportunity to search for and view CVs/Job seeker profiles of potential candidates. 

The EURES portal matching engine offers an automatic service matching job vacancies and CV/job seeker profiles using algorithms based on a number of criteria such as candidates' education, experience, skills, current and desired location, desired occupation etc.   

The EURES Data Protection Statement gives you all the information you need to know about the protection of your personal data being transferred to the EURES portal. All companies that handle and store personal data need to have a data protection statement in place. You find a short explanation of the EURES Data Protection Statement below, as well as the relevant link where you will find the original statement in full, please read it.  

The EURES European Coordination Office managed by the European Labour Authority is the Controller of the EURES portal.  

EURES Data Protection Statement

The privacy statement provides information about the processing and the protection of your personal data under point A.  Specific terms and conditions for the use of the EURES portal services including data protection rules are listed under point B.  When agreeing to this document you agree to the processing of your personal data in line with conditions listed below and you also agree that you will use the EURES portal services according to the specific terms and conditions listed below with particular attention to the compliance with applicable data protection rules. 

Please find the Data protection statement and Specific terms and conditions for the use of the EURES portal services.