Nám í Moldavía

Innlendir og evrópskir aðilar sem veita gagnlegar upplýsingar um nám í  Moldavía.

Building in Chișinău, Moldova

Ministry of Education and Research


Netfang tengiliðs

Netfang tengiliðs

Heimilisfang: Piața Marii Adunări Naționale, 1, MD-2033, Chișinău, MOLDOVA

Símanúmer: +373 69376030/+373 79450547


Gagnleg þjónusta ESB

Your Europe

Information, help and advice on EU rights for EU nationals and businesses (i.e. travel, work, shopping, funding opportunities, doing business and procedures)


The ENIC-NARIC network (with the Council of Europe and UNESCO) supports the recognition of diplomas and periods of study undertaken in other countries.

National Erasmus+ Office in Moldova

National Erasmus+ Offices (NEOs) assist the European Commission and local authorities in the implementation of Erasmus+ in certain Partner Countries.