Upcoming launch of the European Learning Model v3
UPDATE: The European Learning Model v.3 was launched in April 2023. You can browse the ELM in our datamodel browser or visit our Introduction to the ELM page.’
What is the ELM?
The ELM is a data model that aims to establish a single semantic vocabulary for learning in Europe. By unifying technical vocabularies, it allows for seamless data interchange across borders for multiple scenarios including:
- Listing information about learning opportunities and qualifications including the description of qualification standards, course catalogues and training announcements;
- Publishing information on licensing and accreditation of educational institutions, as well as issuing accreditation credentials to licenced or accredited organisations;
- Capturing any learning achievement: whether degrees and diplomas, diploma supplements, professional certifications or other qualifications, examination results, or the results of non-formal learning
- Providing Certificates of attendance and employer recommendations, ;
- Issuing student cards, evidence of membership of professional associations, teacher cards and other identity documents linked to learning;
- Recognition of diplomas, study-periods abroad and other documents which may be presented to competent authorities.
The ELM is made up of four levels:

What has changed?
While previous versions of the ELM were mainly aimed for the use of the European Commission and Member states, the new model is targeted for all education and employment stakeholders in Europe.
The new Ontology provides a standardised vocabulary for the whole united model, while in previous versions each application profile was effectively a different model. The application profiles used approximately the same classes and properties; however these were not formally related, and changes to one model were rarely replicated in other models, leading to multiple inconsistencies between models. With the new model, any change is reflected across all application profiles
The Ontology is made up of relations between concepts, meaning that we now know for instance that a learning outcome in a learning opportunity is the same thing as a learning outcome in a qualification. This allows the creation of knowledge graphs to explain relationships between data, which will be extremely useful in enhancing and strengthening AI models. These can be used to power skills assessment tools, learning pathway suggestions, job recommendations and other kinds of automated guidance systems for European citizens.
Each concept is defined in the ELM namespace, allowing anyone building any application or data model to reuse this concept.
The benefits of ELM v3:
- One stable, long-term support version of the model addressing all levels and forms of learning.
- The model is aligned with and interoperable with other models, including being completely compatible with ELMO and the EBSI Diploma Use Case. It is also linked to existing frameworks and classifications (e.g. EQF, ESCO, ISCED-f).
- Built on open standards in particular the W3C Verifiable Credential data model
- Available in all 31 languages of Europass
- Supports data exchange and credential recognition.
- Aligns with recent policy developments, in particular with the Council Recommendation on Micro-Credentials
- Provides the possibility to use the European Commission’s infrastructure to issue European Digital Credentials for Learning completely free of charge
- Allows for data on learning opportunities and qualifications to be optimally visualised on Europass.
When will ELM be released?
ELM v3 and its applications will be released progressively in the first half of 2023. An early preview of the ELM v3 is accessible on Github.
Documentation on the model will be released at the end of 2022, while the Europass infrastructure will be converted to use ELM v3 from the second quarter of 2023.
How can we use the ELM?