Is it correct that ELM provides only one class, i.e. <organization>, dedicated to awarding bodies, publishers, or owners of the qualification? Why?

Yes, these are indeed represented by a single class, because even though they may have different roles, to describe an organisation you will need to specify values for the same standard properties (e.g. legal name, location, VAT number, logo, homepage, etc.).

Is it possible to match several ISCED-F to one qualification?

Yes, it is possible to match one or more ISCED-F to one qualification.

What is the Accreditation Database?

The European Accreditation Database is a separate database that is populated automatically based on records in the QDR, which contains:

  • information on programme accreditations that were included in qualifications uploaded to the QDR
  • information on institutional accreditations which were uploaded to the QDR
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