National Europass Centres
Europass is active in more than 30 countries. A National Europass Centre coordinates all activities related to Europass in every country that participates in Europass. It is the first point of contact for any person or organisation interested in using or learning more about Europass.

You can contact the National Europass Centre of your country or the country you are interested to work or learn in.
Choose from the list of countries below.
In case of technical issues please contact the Europass Helpdesk
Nationales Europass Zentrum (NEC Österreich)
Address: OeAD-Haus, Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Wien, ÖSTERREICH
Telephone: +43 1 - 534 08 - 684 bzw. 690
Links to Social Media:
Nationaal Europass Centrum Vlaanderen
Address: Koning Albert II-laan 15, 1210 Brussel, BELGIË
Telephone: +3225539720
Links to Social Media:
Jugendbüro der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft V.o.G.
Address: Bauereihof 2, Eupen 4700, BELGIEN
Telephone: +32 87 56 09 79
Links to Social Media:
Centre Europass Belgique francophone
Address: Boulevard Léopold II 44, 1080 Bruxelles, BELGIQUE
Telephone: +32 25426287
Ministry of Civil Affairs
Address: Trg Bosne i Hercegovine 3, Sarajevo, 71000 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Telephone: +38733492594
Address: Ул. "Граф Игнатиев" 15, ет. 4, 1000 София/Sofia БЪЛГАРИЯ/BULGARIA
Telephone: +359 29155010
Cyprus Productivity Centre
Address: Λεωφ. Καλλιπόλεως 77, 2100 Λευκωσία, Κύπρος / P.O.Box 20536, 1679
Telephone: +357 22806000
Národní centrum Europass ČR
Address: Weilova 1271/6, 102 00 Praha 10, ČESKO
Telephone: +420 773 765 000
Links to the Social Media:
Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education
Address: Haraldsgade 53, 2100 København Ø
Telephone: +45 3544 6200
Europassi Keskus Eestis, SA Kutsekoda
Address: Mustamäe tee 16, 10617 Tallinn, EESTI/ESTONIA
Telephone: +372 679 1716
Finnish National Agency for Education
Address: Hakaniemenranta 6 / PL 380, FI-00531 Helsinki, SUOMI/FINLAND
Telephone: +358 29 533 1000
Nationales Europass Center (NEC)
Address: Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 114-116, 53113 Bonn, DEUTSCHLAND
Telephone: +49 228 107-1200
Nemzeti Europass Központ
Address: Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1. 1077, MAGYARORSZÁG/HUNGARY
Telephone: +36 1 236 5050ç
Links to social media:
Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís)
Address: Borgartún 30, 105 Reykjavík, ICELAND
Telephone: +354 515 5800
Irish National Europass Centre
Website and Europass page
Address: 26-27 Denzille Lane, Dublin 2, D02 P266, IRELAND
Telephone: +353 1 9058100
Links to Social Media:
Inapp (Istituto Nazionale per le Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche)
Contact via Email
Contact via Email
Address: Corso d'Italia 33, 00198 Roma, ITALIA/ITALY
Nacionālais Europass centrs
Address: Akadēmiskās informācijas centrs - Dzirnavu iela 16/2, Rīga, LV-1010 LATVIJA
Telephone: +371 67 358 235
Links to social media:
Švietimo mainų paramos fondas
Address: Rožių al. 2, LT-03106 Vilnius, LIETUVA/LITHUANIA
Telephone: +370 6 587 7668
Links to Social Media channels:
European Union Programme Agency
Address: European Union Programmes Agency, The Oaks Business Centre, Level 3, Farsons Street, Hamrun 1325
Telephone: +35699019457
Links to Social Media channels:
Ministry of Education and Research
Address: Piața Marii Adunări Naționale, 1, MD-2033, Chișinău, MOLDOVA
Telephone: +373 69376030/+373 79450547
Links to social media:
Nacionalni Europass centar
Address: Moskovska 111, 81000 Podgorica, CRNA GORA/ЦРНА ГОРА
Telephone: +382 20 410 123
Nationaal Europass Centrum
Address: Kempkensberg 12, 9722 TB Groningen, NEDERLAND
Links to social media:
National agency for European educational programmes and mobility
Address: Blvd. Kuzman Josifovski Pitu, No.17, 1000 Скопје/Skopje, P.O. Box 796, Северна Македонија/North Macedonia
Telephone: +389 23 109 045
Center for International Higher Education (SIU)
Address: Postboks 1093, 5809 Bergen, NORGE/NORWAY
Telephone: +47 50 30 38 00
Krajowe Centrum Europass
Address: Aleje Jerozolimskie 142A, 02-305 Warszawa, POLSKA/POLAND
Telephone: +48 22 463 10 00
Centro Nacional Europass
Address: Rua Ivone Silva, N.º 6, 1.º Dto. – 1050-124 Lisboa – Portugal
Telephone: +351 211 381 497
Links to Social Media:
Autoritatea Națională pentru Calificări
Address: No. 1-3, Valter Maracineanu Square, Entry B, 2nd floor, room 117, 1st district 010155, Bucharest, ROMÂNIA
Telephone: +40 21 313 00 51/52
Nacionalni Center Europass Slovenia
Address: Kajuhova 32U, SI-1000 Ljubljana, SLOVENIJA
Telephone: +386 01 5864 200
Links to Social Media:
Universitets- och högskolerådet
Address: Swedish Council for Higher Education PO Box 4030, SE-171 04 Solna
Visiting address: Solna strandväg, 132B, Solna
Telephone: +46 10 470 03 00
Links to social media:
Movetia - Exchange and Mobility
Address: Dornacherstrasse 28A, P.O. Box, CH- 4500 Solothurn, SWITZERLAND
Telephone: +41 32 462 00 50
Mesleki Yeterlilik Kurumu - Ulusal Europass Merkezi
Address: Ziyabey Caddesi 1420. Sokak No 12, 06520 Balgat, Çankaya/Ankara, TÜRKİYE/TURKEY
Telephone: +90 312 428 72 11
Links to social media:
National Europass Centre - National Qualifications Agency
Address: Solomianska st. 1, 03035, Kyiv, UKRAINE
Telephone: +38 093 21 57 334
Links to social media: