Europass Mobility: an updated template and steps towards digitalisation

Europass Mobility, first introduced in 2004, is a well-established template which describes the skills acquired abroad on mobility experiences for learning or work. Europass Mobility can help communicate the new skills and experiences acquired during a traineeship, volunteering or a learning period abroad in a comparable way. Following a consultation of the National Europass Centres and Erasmus+ National Agencies in 2021, a project group was set up to modernise and simplify the template as well as provide the next steps towards its digitisation. 

A European Digital Credential for Learning (EDC) is a verifiable, digital version of a credential issued by an organisation to a learner to document their learning. These include diplomas, training certificates, micro-credentials, certificates of participation, and more. They can be issued in all EU and Europass languages and are signed with an electronic seal (a form of digital signature belonging to a trusted institution or organisation). 

Micro-Credentials and European Digital Credentials for Learning

As a contribution to the European Year of Skills, on 24 April 2024, the European Digital Credentials for Learning team hosted a webinar focusing on the synergies between micro-credentials and European Digital Credentials for Learning (EDCs). European Commission representatives, Koen Nomden, Isabel Ladrón Arroyo and Céline Jambon, provided an overview of the policy context within which both micro-credentials and EDCs evolve and operate.

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