Europass Digital Credentials
A Europass Digital Credential is a digital file, issued by the institution where you studied. It describes your qualification, and can also include information on your classes, grades, projects and other achievements.
If you want to study, work or volunteer you often need to present proof of your qualifications and achievements to employers, education institutions and others. This can be a difficult process, especially if you want to move to another country for a new opportunity.
Europass Digital Credentials let you receive and share your digital degrees, diplomas and certificates from education and training institutions in an easy and efficient way.
The institution where you studied can issue your diploma or certificate as a Europass Digital Credential.
You can request to receive the digital file to store in a wallet in your Europass Library; or you can request to have it sent directly to you by email, or to another location. Your Europass Digital Credential is a valuable file so make sure you always store it somewhere secure.
Why do I need a Europass Digital Credential?
You can share your Europass Digital Credential with employers, education and training institutions, or other organisations that need information on your qualifications. When they view your Europass Digital Credential they will be able to automatically verify that your qualification is real, that it belongs to you, and they can get a better understanding of your skills and experiences. Always make sure you know the identity of anyone that you share your credential with. If you store your credential in your Europass Library you can share your credential for a set amount of time.
The Europass Digital Credentials system is managed by the European Commission and is free and secure.
The European Commission has begun working with EU Member States and other countries to pilot the Europass Digital Credentials. You could be one of the first graduates to receive your diploma or certificate as a Europass Digital Credential.
Your institution will inform you if you receive a Europass Digital Credential. You can also contact us if you have questions about Europass Digital Credentials.