Rad u Njemačkoj

Informacije o korisnim nacionalnim službama i službama EU-a za rad u Njemačkoj.

Landscape from Germany

Nationales Europass Center (NEC)

Internetska stranica


Adresa: Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 114-116, 53113 Bonn, DEUTSCHLAND

Telefonski broj: +49 228 107-1200

Korisne nacionalne službe

Korisne službe EU-a

Living and working in Germany

EURES is a network of employment services covering all EU countries as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland.

Your Europe

Information, help and advice on EU rights for EU nationals and businesses (i.e. travel, work, shopping, funding opportunities, doing business and procedures)

Eurodesk Germany

Eurodesk is a European youth information network that promotes European awareness and opportunities to go abroad.

Erasmus+ National agency in Germany

The EU works with National Agencies to bring Erasmus+ as close as possible to the participants and make sure it works well across different countries.

SOLVIT Germany

SOLVIT is a service provided by the national administration in each EU country and in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. SOLVIT is free of charge.