Protecting your personal information is a priority for Europass.Europass will never share, sell or use your personal information from your Europass profile. You control whom you share your information with and for how long.
Europass Mobility is a document which can help you to showcase skills acquired during your experience in a simple, consistent and understandable manner.
Do you have a vocational qualification, such as an apprenticeship or from a training course? The Europass Certificate Supplement can help you to showcase your vocational qualifications in Europe in a simple and understandable way.
Did you just graduate? Do you have a higher education qualification, such as a Bachelor or Master degree? The Diploma Supplement can help you to showcase your qualification across Europe.

If you want to study, work or volunteer you often need to present proof of your qualifications and achievements to employers, education institutions and others. This can be a difficult process, especially if you want to move to another country for a new opportunity.

Europass Digital Credentials let you receive and share your digital degrees, diplomas and certificates from education and training institutions in an easy and efficient way.

Volunteering can offer you rewarding experiences and opportunities to develop your skills. Europass can support you in planning and recording your volunteering experiences.

This check-list of tips and information can help you get your qualification recognised to prepare to study abroad.

Prepare to present your skills and qualifications to an employer or recruiter anywhere in Europe in a way they understand. Here is a check-list of tips and information to help prepare for work abroad.

Europass is active in more than 30 countries. Choose from the list below to get further information on working in different countries.
A National Europass Centre coordinates all activities related to Europass in every country that participates in Europass. It is the first point of contact for any person or organisation interested in using or learning more about Europass. 
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