Europass timeline
Important milestones of Europass
New Europass Platform
The new platform was launched on 1 July 2020 with information pages related to learning and working in Europe, the Europass profile, CV builder, Cover Letter builder, Europass library, and the "My Skills" and "My Interests" self assessment tools.
launch screen step 1

Two million users
In just a year, Europass attracted two million users, who have Europass accounts and created a Europass profile.
2 million in one year

European Digital Credentials for learning
The European Digital Credentials for Learning was launched after a successful pilot phase implemented by 19 European countries. They are multilingual, easy to share and simple to verify. They carry an electronic seal as a stamp of trust of the origin and validity of the credentials. They contain rich information on learning outcomes, skills acquired, grades, learning activity descriptions and more.
EDC visual updated

Application Manager
A new tool was added to manage applications was added to the set of Europass digital tool where users can store, organise, share and track their applications in a structured way.
Application Manager step

Digital Skills Self Assessment Tool
The Digital skills self-assessment tool was added to the Europass set of digital tools to support users in assessing their digital skills levels through a simple test.
Launch of the Digital Skills Self-Assessment Tool
Ukrainian became the 30th Europass language, with interface, labels and content translated so the refugees could benefit as they look to find jobs in Europe.
Ukrainian Europass language

European Learning Model
The new version of the first multilingual data model for learning which is a new step for interoperability and learning was launched.
ELM visual

Job and Skill Trends tool
A new tool to support users in finding helpful information about the demand of specific occupations and skills across EU countries was launched.
Job and Skill Trends tool step

Montenegrin became the 31st language available on Europass, with translated labels, interface and content.
Montenegrin visual

5 million users
For the three years celebration, Europass reached another milestone of five million users.
5 million step

Europass Evaluation Results
The results of the Europass evaluation were published in March 2024 and form the basis for the new vision of Europass in the years to come.
Evaluation areas