Find information on jobs and courses with the new Europass

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Whether you are a pupil, a student or a worker, Europass will provide you access to information and contacts to help you shape your career.

Are you a pupil or student? Europass will help you find out education and training opportunities in 30 European countries. Europass will also make easier your learning experience abroad, providing relevant information, support and guidance. The new platform will also show you how to have your skills and qualifications recognised.

The new Europass CV and cover letter online tool

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How to create new CVs or cover letters with the new Europass?

With a few clicks, you use the skills, qualifications and work experiences stored in your Europass profile to create different versions of CVs and cover letters.

You don’t need to have a Europass profile to generate CVs and cover letters with the new platform.

However, a Europass profile allows you to

Europass profile

Take the next step!

The new Europass offers you the chance to create a free profile where you can record all your achievements, skills and qualifications in one personal secure online space.

You can use the information in your profile to create tailored Europass CVs and cover letters, using different templates, for your job or course applications. After creating new documents with just a few clicks, you are able to store them in your Europass library for future use. You also receive interesting job and course suggestions based on your skills and interests.

The new way to create your free Europass

Take the next step with the new Europass tools!

How does it work? First, you create a profile with all your skills, qualifications and professional achievements in a personal, secured online space.

Then, you identify your objectives and interests, and consult learning and job opportunities corresponding to your profile.

Interested in a job offer? Select the relevant sections of your Europass profile and share them with the employer through a link.

Europass: take the next step! New platform launches today

Europass is one of the 12 flagship actions of the European Skills Agenda adopted by the European Commission on 1 July 2020. The Commission is taking a first step in delivering on the ambition of the Skills Agenda of making  lifelong learning a reality for all with the launch of this platform.

The new Europass offers a range of online ‘e-Portfolio’ tools and information for people of all ages, at all stages of their lives, to manage their learning and career such as:

EURES helps and supports jobseekers to find jobs and employers to find suitable candidates across Europe. You can send your Europass CV to EURES where it can be viewed by employers.

A list of downloadable documents related to Europass.

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The inventories provide an overview of Europass Certificate Supplements issued to support understanding of vocational education and training qualifications. 
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