- update 1458 days ago.

The new Europass CV and cover letter online tool

Europass has a new CV and Cover letter tool, offering new templates in 29 languages, for free.

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How to create new CVs or cover letters with the new Europass?

With a few clicks, you use the skills, qualifications and work experiences stored in your Europass profile to create different versions of CVs and cover letters.

You don’t need to have a Europass profile to generate CVs and cover letters with the new platform.

However, a Europass profile allows you to

  • store your Europass CVs and cover letters in your personal library;
  • import them in the new editor and update them according to your needs.

You can also share your profile, for example with an employer.

The new online Europass tool will help you communicate your skills and qualifications effectively when looking for a job or training in Europe.