Upper secondary education certificate [Certificat de l’enseignement secondaire supérieur (CESS)]
Upper secondary vocational education certificate (level 4) [Certificat de qualification en plein exercice ou en alternance]
Qualification certificate for floor house-keeper [Certificat de qualification de Gouvernant·e d'étage]
Qualification certificate for technical qualifying post- secondary education – 7th year [Certification de qualification de septième année technique]
Qualification certificate for vocational qualifying post- secondary education – 7th year [Certificat de qualification de septième année professionnelle]
Qualification certificate (level 4) – education for social promotion
Qualification certificate for laboratory technicians [Certificat de qualification de technicien.ne chimiste]
Certificate of apprenticeship (level 4) offered by regional training services [Certificat d'apprentissage, niveau 4]
Certificate of apprenticeship for machining technicians [Certificat d'apprentissage de technicien.ne en système d'usinage]
Professional diploma, level 4 [Diplôme de formation, niveau 4]
Diploma for coordination and supervision – haidresser manager [Diplôme de coordination et d'encadrement de coiffeur.euse manager]
Skills certificate (level 4) offered by public employment/training services [Certificat de compétences acquises en formation, niveau 4]
Certificate of skills acquired in training for graphic designers [Certificat de compétences acquises en formation de graphic designer]
Skills certifcate (level 4) awarded by a consortium for validation [Titre de compétence, niveau 4]
Skills certificate – Sales of second hand cars as part of the profession of automobile salesperson [Titre de compétence assurer la vente de véhicules d'occasion faisant partie du métier de vendeur.euse automobile]