What is My Skills?

My Skills is part of Europass, which offers you an overview of your skills based on the information you add to your profile. The information in My Skills will be used to suggest customised job and course suggestions to you. 

How to complete my Europass profile?

Your Europass profile is a personal profile. Go to the homepage and click on “Create my Europass” button. You will be directed through each of the steps to create your Europass profile. Once you complete your basic Europass profile (education and training, work experience, language skills, digital skills), you will be able to update and edit the rest of the profile with other projects, achievements and skills you want to record. 

If you register with Europass, you will be able to add more sections and create an extensive profile with a record of your skills, qualifications and experiences in one place. 

If you do not register, you will not be able to keep a permanent profile or access other related tools such as My Library or My Skills.


What is a Europass profile?

Your Europass profile is your personal online space where you can log all your skills, learning, and work experiences as well as achievements and other information. The profile will be an all-inclusive area to organise your information. Your profile will help you record and see all of your skills and experiences in one place. You can use the information in your Europass profile to create CVs for particular jobs or courses that you may be applying for.  


How much does Europass cost?

Europass is a free-of-charge set of online tools and information offered by the European Commission. It has no hidden costs or any additional charges. Please note that you cannot buy a CV or any service from Europass. All services offered by Europass are free and you will never be asked to provide any bank details or execute payments. If you received such a request, please contact relevant national authorities.   

Can you explain the different tools offered by Europass?

If you register with Europass you will have access to all the following tools:

  • Europass profile – your free personal online space to record your skills, qualifications and experiences;
  • Europass library – you can store, share and organise your documents;
  • My Interests –  you can reflect on and identify your career or learning interests;
  • My Skills -  view an overview of your skills in your profile;
  • Online editor – you can create different CVs and cover letters to match your applications;
  • Jobs and courses search – you will have access to a large database of jobs and courses across Europe.

Even if you are not registered, you have access to some tools including the Online Editor and Search for jobs and courses

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