- update 211 days ago.

Digitalising the Diploma Supplement: a new step in aiding recognition

Moving between countries while seeking new learning or work opportunities can be challenging due to differences in document formats, languages, definitions of applied terminology and assessment methods. Qualifications obtained in one country are not always easily recognised in another. To address this, the use of common standards plays a crucial role. One such standard helping individuals navigate recognition processes is the Diploma Supplement, that is part of the Europass framework. Its standards were jointly agreed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe, and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). 

The Diploma Supplement is a commonly used tool in higher education in Europe. Any student graduating in a country taking part in the Bologna process has the right to receive the Diploma Supplement automatically, free of charge and in any major European language. To further perpetuate its use, the European Union's NARIC Network (i.e., the national centres responsible for the recognition of academic qualifications at national level) is launching a Diploma Supplement network, to provide a space for stakeholders to exchange ideas and best practices. One of the aims of this network will be to support the digitalisation of the Diploma Supplement, that could be facilitated by making use of the European Digital Credentials for Learning (EDC) infrastructure. 


What is the Diploma Supplement?  

The Diploma Supplement is a document attached to a higher education diploma, intending to make it easier for third persons – particularly in another country – to better understand the content of a higher education qualification. It allows for easier comparison of qualifications and programmes and offers a detailed description of the studies completed and an indication of the competences acquired to complete the course. 

It contains eight sections to provide information about:  

  • the holder of the qualification 

  • the qualification type and its originating institution 

  • the qualification level 

  • the content of the course and results gained 

  • function of the qualification 

  • certification of the supplement 

  • other relevant details 

While the Diploma Supplement is not a substitute for the original qualification, and does not guarantee automatic recognition of qualifications,  it is a valuable tool allowing graduates to communicate their learning achievements in a trustworthy manner and to get easier recognition of their qualification. The Diploma Supplement helps their holders in finding relevant jobs and to get access to further study opportunities. 

Who issues the Diploma Supplement?  

The Diploma Supplement is produced by higher education institutions according to the standards referenced above. While national practices may differ, it is typically produced by the registrar’s office at the awarding institution of a qualification.  

The Diploma Supplement and European Digital Credentials for Learning 

The standard elements of the Diploma Supplement are incorporated in the European Learning Model (ELM), which is a multilingual data model providing a single vocabulary for the description of learning in Europe. The ELM provides the basis for the European Digital Credentials for Learning (EDC). It is already possible to issue a Diploma Supplement as a digital credential. Any institution can start issuing EDCs – read more about the process 

Using the EDC infrastructure to issue Diploma Supplements is a way to digitise the document. To aid this process, the Commission is exploring the development of a specific and intuitive interface (i.e. a customised online form) to support the building and issuing of Diploma Supplements as EDCs with minimal effort. Thanks to the structured and machine-readable data layer of EDCs, and the application of the issuing organisation’s eIDAS compliant electronic seal, EDCs may facilitate the acceleration and simplification of recognition processes, by providing a possibility to rely more strongly on the authenticity and origin of the credentials.  

Want to be informed about the next steps and issue Diploma Supplements as an EDC? Contact us via email

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