- update 233 days ago.

Europass Job and Skill Trends tool gets updates

The Job and Skill Trends tool on Europass, which provides insights into skills required for specific jobs and in-demand jobs across Europe, now includes two new countries – Iceland and Norway – and features updated data from 2023. 

The Job & Skill Trends tool launched in 2023 as part of the Europass tools just got an update and new features to help you make informed decisions in your learning and career path. Here is a quick overview of the key updates to the tool.  

Key updates

  • You can also explore the skills and jobs in demand in Iceland and Norway now.
  • All insights within the tool have been updated with data from 2023, providing users with the latest information on job market trends.
  • Instead of just the top 10 results, users can now access a more comprehensive list skills and jobs for each country and have a longer list of countries where specific skills or jobs are in demand.
  • You will also see some helpful tips to guide you in your search and use of the tool.
  • The new knowledge groups list will give you detailed insights into the most relevant knowledge topics for any job that you select.
  • Skills and jobs that match your profiles or countries that you have lived or worked in are now marked with icons making it easier to identify relevant opportunities.
  • The new "Trends" tab lets you see how the demand for a specific job/occupation group is evolving for the country that you select.
  • The "year" filter allows you to see rankings of countries or jobs for the selected year from the list.
  • The search functionality has been improved where you can clear your searches and your history of searches will be saved.


If you are looking for a job or  looking to change careers, explore the Job & Skill Trends tool on Europass to help you make informed decisions in the next step of your professional life. 

If you have not done it yet, create your Europass profile to make the most of the free and trustworthy digital tools such as the CV editor, cover letter editor and more to support every step of your learning and career paths.