Location Selection
Upper secondary vocational qualification certificate (level 3) [Certificat de qualification en plein exercice ou en alternance]

Qualification certificate for Barman/Barmaid [Certificat de Qualification de Barman/Barmaid]

Upper secondary vocational qualification certificate for special and alternance education (level 3) [Certificat de qualification spécifique (CQ S) à l'enseignement spécialisé et en alternance]

Qualification certificate for Barman/Barmaid [Certificat de Qualification de Barman/Barmaid]

Qualification certificate (level 3) – education for social promotion

Qualification certificate for hairdressers [Certificat de Qualification de Coiffeur.euse]

Certificate of apprenticeship (level 3) offered by regional training services [Certificat d'apprentissage, niveau 3]

Certificate of apprenticeship for hairdressers [Certificat d'apprentissage de Coiffeur.euse]

Professional diploma (level 3) [Diplôme de formation, niveau 3]

Diploma for coordination and supervision – supervisor bartender [Diplôme de coordination et d'encadrement de chef barman/barmaid]

Skills certificate (level 3) offered by public employment/training services [Certificat de compétences acquises en formation, niveau 3]

Certificate of skills acquired in training for administrative employees [Certificat de compétences acquises en formation d'employé.e administratif.ive]

Skills certifcate (level 3) awarded by a consortium for validation [Titre de compétence, niveau 3]

Skills certificate – managing incoming and outgoing contacts as part of the profession of call centre operator [Titre de compétence gérer les contacts entrants et sortants constituant le métier d'opérateur.rice call center]

EQF Selection