National office on studies and careers
ONISEP Office National d’Information sur les Etudes et les Professions
Informazioni sui servizi nazionali e dell'UE utili per studiare in Francia.
ONISEP Office National d’Information sur les Etudes et les Professions
PARCOURSUP Plateforme d information et d'inscription pour l' accès a l'enseignement supérieur
Trouver mon Master Le portail national des masters
CAMPUS France les études supérieures pour les etudiants internationaux
Centre Inffo Portail de l'orientation tout au long de la vie
Additional national services to learn in France
Study In France
The ENIC-NARIC network (with the Council of Europe and UNESCO) supports the recognition of diplomas and periods of study undertaken in other countries.
Information, help and advice on EU rights for EU nationals and businesses (i.e. travel, work, shopping, funding opportunities, doing business and procedures)
EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion is a unique pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers.
Eurodesk is a European youth information network that promotes European awareness and opportunities to go abroad.
The EU works with National Agencies to bring Erasmus+ as close as possible to the participants and make sure it works well across different countries.