Arbeiten in Luxemburg

Nützliche nationale Dienste und EU-Dienste zum Arbeiten in Luxemburg.

Landscape from Luxembourg

Centre national Europass au Luxembourg



per E-Mail kontaktieren

Adrese: eduPôle Walferdange - Bâtiment 03 - étage 01 - Route de Diekirch, L-2920 Walferdange, LUXEMBOURG

Telefonnummer: +352 247 85284

Soziale Medien:

Nützliche nationale Dienste

Work and study

Work and study Arbeit und Studium Travailler et étudier

Nützliche Dienste der EU

Your Europe

Information, help and advice on EU rights for EU nationals and businesses (i.e. travel, work, shopping, funding opportunities, doing business and procedures)

Eurodesk Luxembourg

Eurodesk is a European youth information network that promotes European awareness and opportunities to go abroad.

SOLVIT Luxembourg

SOLVIT is a service provided by the national administration in each EU country and in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. SOLVIT is free of charge.